But not all asbestos materials are hazardous. When materials contain 1% or less of asbestos and the structure is intact and nothing can be inhaled, it is deemed safe. Although if the fibers are damaged, then they are considered friable. The definition of friable is when a human hand can crush the material, then it is considered hazardous. If an asbestos-containing material is in this condition then an abatement is necessary.
If it is suspected that hazardous building materials may be in your facility, the first and most important step is an assessment by a qualified and experienced inspector. JMT’s personnel are trained in the current AHERA and HUD regulations. This assures you that highly qualified personnel are working for you to minimize both the potential for occupant exposure and owner liability. In fact, JMT’s personnel have taken hazard abatement projects from assessment to remediation which have ranged in size to more than $1,000,000.
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